
Painted Teardrop Hobbit House Trailer

This teardrop was my Corona-Project.  I purchased it plain from a woman in the Dalles who built it from a kit, I wish I was a carpenter.

But I am an artist, so when the world shut down for Covid, I began painting. Here is a story, complete with photos, of my little Hobbit House:


RV Ideas - Store Those Cords!

What to do with all those cords for your devices? 

Keep them organized in Cosmetic Bags.

I'm always on the lookout for pretty bags in my local Goodwill, but you probably have some lying around already.  They're handy in different sizes and believe me, if you like one but don't know how you'll use it, buy it...you will.  The largest one (purple) holds printer cables plus a spare ink cartridge.


Painted Red Hat Ornaments

At our last Red Hat Ladies' luncheon, one member pulled out a plastic bag full of cleaned and de-labled CAT FOOD CANS.  An environmentalist before most of us, Mary challenged us to create Christmas ornaments for the tree our group is sponsoring this season.  I jumped at the chance and grabbed a few.


Paint a Tea Kettle for Succulents

I live alone...well, with my dog, BC.  I'm only in my 60's but still find myself forgetting things from time to time. I don't think it's early Alz; but as I age and add new tidbits to my brain, I get rid of some old (particularly political).

One thing which many people can probably relate to is forgetting the kettle's on the stove. Turn it on and let it boil away because the whistle's long gone. I returned to my RV after 1-1/2 hours to find BC panting and my place hot and steamy.


Renovating a 1992 Winnebago Warrior: Turn the Sofa into a Daybed with Storage

The original brochure
This is my full-time home and I simply adore it.  It is also my third RV, so  learning how to make a comfortable space for BC and me has been an ongoing process.  As a Starving Artist I work on a tight budget so my ideas may be off-the-cuff; but glance through and you may like one or two. 

My late husband was European and we envisioned traveling the U.S. in just such a vehicle; but that didn't work out as planned so I'm doing it on my own.  I'm not too savvy when it comes to mechanical things but I'm pretty good with a paintbrush and resourceful out of necessity. This Micro-Mini Warrior is 7 feet wide by 21 feet long by just under 10 feet high.